Short-term Ministry Worker

A corto plazo

Menos de un mes, 1-3 meses, 3-6 meses, 6-12 meses

Who we are 

We are a relatively new bilingual German/English church in Wedding, Berlin. 

We are a church that seeks to strengthen and build up believers in Berlin, being people firm in their understanding of who God is as Father and living in all the fullness and joy of the Gospel in their lives. We also hope to be a light and representatives of Jesus in the world around us, in our workplaces and in our neighbourhoods. We want to be ready to speak with boldness the reality of the risen Lord and see others come to faith and be transformed in their hearts and lives.

We are looking for people who want to come and join us!

What we are about 

We are a biblically based, welcoming church and believe that God’s revealed word carried by his Holy Spirit gives us all that we need for life and the knowledge of God. We value the proclamation of his Gospel highly in our services. We believe that he comes to human beings who he loves in whatever life situation they are in and provides hope for a glorious future in this life and the one to come. We believe that the church is primarily for the people of God, however visitors are always welcome. We are a praying church. We believe that walking with the Lord, together with him in prayer is his primary will for us as believers. 

Opportunities 3-12 months (English or German) 

  1. Do you have a passion for single mums and kids? Berlin has a very high level of single parent families. Kids ministry is really important when parents are on their own. Come and help us develop a vibrant children's ministry - serving both children and parents!
  2. Wedding is a very high migrant neighbourhood with very few active churches. We would love to see our church reflecting the neighbourhood around us as people from all nations come to Christ. If God is stirring in you Muslim-based ministry then you'll have plenty of opportunities to serve on our doorstep.
  3. Student ministry. As a church we would love to be involved in reaching students, Both local and international. 

Si quieres recibir más información sobre esta oportunidad de servicio, rellena el siguiente formulario de contacto.
Antes de rellenar el formulario, por favor, ten en cuenta lo siguiente:

A menos que se indique lo contrario, las oportunidades ofrecidas por la MCE no son trabajos remunerados.
Se requerirá que los candidatos levanten fondos para su apoyo personal, ministerio, vivienda y otros costos (por ejemplo, seguros, pensiones, etc).

Por último, la MCE solo puede procesar solicitudes de individuos en países que tienen una oficina de la MCE o un colaborador local.
Para obtener una lista de estas oficinas, haga clic aquí. La MCE no tiene oficinas en Asia o en África.

Sr., Sra., Srita., Dr., etc
Describe brevemente sobre tu educación y entrenamiento que hayas completado. Adicionalmente puedes enviarnos tu C.V. a:
Enumera las experiencias ministeriales y/o transculturales que has tenido, con fechas si es posible.
Enumera las experiencias que has tenido con fechas, si es posible.
Haz una lista de mayor a menor interés, separadas por comas.
Esto no tiene que ser extenso, pero proporciona suficientes detalles para ayudarnos a entender el proceso que has pasado para llevarte hasta este punto.

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