Pioneer disciple making in the Pyrenees, France.

A largo plazo
Southern France

2-5 años, 5 años o más

Pioneer disciple making in the Pyrenees, France.

Anke van der Sluijs has been connected to this area since 1984 and has lived and served here with ECM since 2009. It is a beautiful region with impressive landscapes but with much spiritual darkness. One mountain, The Pic de Bugarach, is well known for reporting UFO sightings. There´s an interest in New Age philosophy, transcendental meditation, contact with the spirit world and various forms of spiritual healers.

Anke longs to see the people in the area come to know the One who is so much bigger than anything they thought they might find, Jesus Christ. This is done mainly through incarnational ministry, involving one-to-one conversations and practical projects.  The vision is to form organic communities where people read the Bible, pray and support one another in growing as disciples of Jesus and being a light to the region.


Would you like to join Anke and form a team? 

You could either work alone, supported (at a distance of up to 30 km) from ECM missionaries (Anke) or work directly in a team with her and the vision of an organic small holding where people can find real peace, rest and restoration in the presence of Christ. 

Are you someone, (or a couple/family) who: 

  • Has a deep love for and understanding of the Word of God?

  • Is mature in the faith and walking in the Spirit with Christ at the centre?

  • Is courageous – willing to pioneer? (there are very few churches in area)

  • Has a personal call from God to work in this area with this people group? (If you´re not sure on this one, why don´t you pause now and ask if God is calling you here.)

  • Understands or is willing to learn about the spiritual world of New Age? 

  • Is humble, flexible and a good listener? 

  • Committed? (eg:3-year minimum) 

  • Speaks French or is willing to learn? 

  • Can cope with an organic, non-conventional church?

  • Enjoys arts, creativity and nature?

If so, please get in touch and start praying now for the people in the High Valley of Aude, Southern France. 

You can read more information about the Pioneer Ministry in the Aude here.


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Se requerirá que los candidatos levanten fondos para su apoyo personal, ministerio, vivienda y otros costos (por ejemplo, seguros, pensiones, etc).

Por último, la MCE solo puede procesar solicitudes de individuos en países que tienen una oficina de la MCE o un colaborador local.
Para obtener una lista de estas oficinas, haga clic aquí. La MCE no tiene oficinas en Asia o en África.

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