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Martin & Anja Teubert

"We're ambassadors - not for Germany, Switzerland or any other country, but for God's kingdom."

Martin and Anja Teubert have been serving in Germany since 2017. Prior to this, they spent 14 years as missionaries in Sumy, eastern Ukraine. 

The Teubert family are based on the northern coast of Germany, supporting a church plant in the town of Ribnitz Damgarten and working on a creative children's ministry. Martin and Anja have a calling to reach out to children, teenagers and their parents. The aim of their work is not about adding more members to the local church; it's about helping people come to a living relationship with Christ. They use a number of tools to get to know local people and start building relationships. These include crafts, juggling, clowning and other fun activities

Martin is Swiss and Anja is German. The couple's six daughters are "something in between."

Misioneros en Alemania
País de origen
Switzerland / Germany

With ECM since 2017