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Olga Senkiv

I would love to have the Bible Correspondence Program in every region of this country! As soon as we come, the children begin to grow spiritually. They start asking questions and many come to know Christ. Our ultimate goal is to connect them to a local church.

Olga was raised in the Orthodox Church near Lviv, but didn’t know God personally until her cousin Oleg invited her to church.  Oleg had just led their grandfather to Christ just before his death in 1998.  Olga immediately wanted to share with people the freedom she found in Christ and had a strong desire to work with children.  The following year, she led her mother to Christ and just two years later, she began living her dream as a Children’s Ministry Worker at New Hope Ukraine. Her first task was to create biblical curriculum and story board scenes for New Hope’s Steps of Faith children’s program to use and share with other ministries.

Currently, Olga corresponds with 60-70 children a week sharing Bible curriculum through the Bible Correspondence Program and answering the heart felt questions students have about faith and Christianity.  She also recruits and trains other mentors to do the same. When students begin to accumulate in an area, a club is formed allowing for relationships to be strengthened.  These clubs often lead to starting a camp or simply inviting these students to visit a local partner church. Several churches emerged from these clubs. In addition to regular interactions with these students and mentors, Olga also prepares and teaches pre-school curriculum for a local group of children twice a week called Mudrulky. She initiated an opportunity for older girls to get together on Friday nights at the New Hope facility as well and frequently interacts with the teens engaged in the Second Mile, a program for youth and students. She also takes on administrative tasks around the office when needed. Mostly printing tasks related to New Hope’s publishing ministry that allow her to use the publishing degree she earned just before joining the team in 2000.

First Culture Worker in Ukraine
País de origen

With ECM since 2000